Freedom of information requests and responses

List of FOIA requests and responses, taken from SPA and Police Scotland's logs

*More to be added

The Sumi knife, production 68a:

Police Scotland confirming that blood swabs were taken from the knife and that the knife was seized from a 'location' (it has been described in another response as a kitchen knife).

SPA confirming that human blood was recovered from Sumi knife/production 68a:

SPA confirming that human blood recovered from Sumi knife/production 68a was matched to the accused (Luke Mitchell):

The knife found in the skip at Home Farm was submitted for forensic testing (*link needed)

Description of knife found in the skip at Home Farm

Semen samples - SPA are not aware of any samples submitted to forensic services in Jodi's case that were not tested

SPA confirm that semen samples would have been DNA tested 

SPA confirm costs of request regarding production inventory and that no items are held by them/are returned to Police

Disposal of productions information request Scottish Government

Link to Police Scotland FOIA response list for Luke's case
